MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: ALL ABOUT CHOCOLATE #1 Categories: Chocolate, Info/tips Yield: 1 servings MMMMM---------------------TYPES OF CHOCOLATE-------------------------- UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATE: The basic chocolate from which all other porducts are made. It is molded into 1-ounce blocks and sold in 8-ounce packages. It may also be sold melted and packaged in envelopes. SEMISWEET CHOCOLATE: Unsweetened chocolate with sugar, extra cocoa butter, and flavorings added to give it a satiny gloss. It is molded into 1-ounce blocks and sold in 8-ounce packages or formed into chocolate chips. SWEET BAKING CHOCOLATE (GERMAN SWEET CHOCOLATE): Similar to semisweet chocolate, but has more sugar and is packaged in 4-ounce bars. MILK CHOCOLATE: Sweet chocolate with milk added. It is sold in various shapes and bars. ALMOND BARK: An artificial chocolate made with vegetable fats instead of cocoa butter, with coloring and flavorings added. It is sold in 1 1/2- pound packages or in blocks and round discs where candy supplies are sold. UNSWEETENED COCOA: A form of pure chocolate with most of the cocoa butter removed and ground into powder. It is sold in 8-ounce or 16-ounce cans. CHOCOLATE-FLAVORED SYRUP: A combination of cocoa, corn syrup, and flavoring and is available in various sizes in jars, cans, or plastic containers. Formatted by Rose Capoccia From CHOCOLATE FANTASIES MMMMM