* Exported from MasterCook * Pressure Cooking Chart for Dry Beans Recipe By : Cooking Under Pressure, copyright 1989 Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Basic Cooking Times Dry Beans Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 1 cup beans 4 cups water tablespoon oil (unless otherwise noted) *Skins remain leathery after cooking and must be removed before serving unless the beans are pureed. **Be sure to remove loose skins before cooking ***Requires 2 tablespoons of oil for each cup of dried beans 1- Minute Pressure Beans (1 c dry) Soaked 12 hrs Presoak Unsoaked Yield (c's) Adzuki 5-9 9-13 12-14 2 Anasazi 4-7 7-10 20-22 2 1/4 Black (turtle) 9-11 14-18 20-25 2 Black-eyed (cow) peas ----- ------ 9-11 2 1/4 Cannellini 9-12 14-17 22-25 2 Chickpeas (garbanzo) 10-12 21-25 30-40 2 1/2 Christmas lima 8-10 10-12 1 6-18 1 1/4 Cranberry 9-12 20-25 30-35 2 1/4 Fava* 12-18 16-22 22-28 2 Flageolets 10-14 10-14 17-22 2 Great Northern 8-12 14-18 25 -30 2 1/4 Lentils ------ ------- 7-10 2 Lima (large)*** 4-7** 8-12** 12-16 2 1/2 Lima (baby) 5-7 8-12 12-15 2 1/2 Peas (split, green) ------ ------- 8-10 2 Peas (whole, green) ------ ------ 16 -18 2 Pigeon peas (grandules) 6-9 15-18 20-25 3 Pinto 4-6 7-10 22-25 2 1/4 Navy (pea) 6-8 10-13 16-25 2 Red kidney 10-12 12-15 20-25 2 Scarlet runner 12-14 12-16 1 7-20 1 1/4 Soy beans 9-12 15-20 28-35 2 1/4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -