* Exported from MasterCook * Parisian Method of making Coffee. Recipe By : Household Cyclopedia of General Information 1881 Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- ***** NONE ***** In the first place, let coffee be of the prime quality, grain small, round, hard and clear; perfectly dry and sweet, and at least three years old - let it be gently roasted until it be of a light brown color; avoid burning, for a single scorched grain will spoil a pound. Let this operation be per formed at the moment the coffee is to be used then grind it while it is yet warm, and take of the powder an ounce for each cup intended to be made; put this along with a small quantity of shredded saffron into the upper part of the machine, galled a grecque or biggin; that is, a large coffee-pot with an upper receptacle made to fit close into it, the bottom of which is perforated with small holes, and containing in its interior two movable metal strainers, over the second of which the powder is to be pinged, and immediately under the third; upon this upper strainer pour boiling water, and continue doing so gently until it bubbles up through the strainer, then shut the cover of the machine close down, place it near the fire, and so soon as the water has drained through the coffee, repeat the operation until the whole intended quantity be passed. Thus all the fragrance of its perfume will be retained with all the balsamic and stimulating powers of its essence; and in a few moments will be obtained -without the aid of isinglass, whites of eggs, or any of the substances with which, in the common mode of preparation, it is mixed - a beverage for the gods. This is the true Parisian mode of preparing coffee; the invention of it is due to M. de Belloy, nephew to the Cardinal of the same name. A coffee-pot upon an entirely new plan, called the Old Dominion, and made in Philadelphia, Pa., is very much liked by some. Perhaps, however, the old mode of boiling and clearing with egg, or the French mode, with the biggie or strainer, is the best. Sufficient attention is not, however, paid to the proper roasting of the berry, which is of the utmost importance, to have the berry done just enough and not a grain burnt. It is customary now in most large cities for grocers to keep coffee ready roasted, which they have done in large wire cylinders, and generally well done, but not always fresh. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -