MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Smoking Salmon And Trout Part IV - Scotch Smoking Prepara Categories: Fish, Smoke, Info Yield: 1 text file This method is first as it is the most well known and the best; it is also the most complex. Scotch smoking can be done to a whole side, that is a large skin-on fillet or to several pieces cut according to thickness which is easier. Don't brine a whole side as the thinner parts- the tail and belly get too much salt. Dry salt instead- this allows you to place a specific amount of salt on each part of the side according to its thickness. Let the developing brine drain off. With pieces you can brine for varying times according to thickness. For dry salting use plain pickling salt not a mixture to condition the flesh so it can be thinly sliced for serving. Other flavors can be added after. When brining pieces sugar and spices can be added to the brine if you want. Dry salting whole sides: Cut thick [over 4"] fillets into two slices OR inject brine into the thickest portion with a pumping needle. Injection brine should be made up in the ratio of 1 1/4 c salt per quart water, cooled to 60 deg F and injected before applying the dry salt. Score or cut just through the skin into the fatty tissues beneath [slashes] in several places with a sharp knife or a razor blade to promote salt penetration and apply the salt. Rub salt into the scores, lay the fillet down on a 1/4" bed of salt in a tray and place salt on the top of the fillet- from a 1/2" on the thickest part to just a sprinkling on the tail. Slant the tray so that the brine that develops flows away from the thin belly meat. Fatty fish take longer to salt as they contain proportionately less water. DRY SALT TIMES :Fillet Thickness Fat Fish Lean Fish : 3/4" 9 hrs 5 hrs : 1" 12 hrs 7 hrs : 1 1/4" 15 hrs 8.5 hrs : 1 1/2" 18 hrs 10 hrs : 2" 24 hrs 13 hrs : 2 1/2" 30 hrs 17 hrs : 3" 36 hrs 20 hrs With experience you can tell by feel; a moderately fat fish will loose 10% of its weight. When touched with a fore finger the flesh should feel firm and spring back when pressed. After salting you can use a special Scotch sugar-rum cure or a finishing brine. Scotch sugar-rum cure: rinse the dry salt off the side. Drain and cure it in a cool place for 6 hours. Rub it with vegetable oil [olive or peanut preferred] and let it stand another 6 hours in a cool place. Rub off the oil with a rum soaked cloth. Cover the side with brown sugar just as you did the dry salt and let it stand another 6 hours. Then wipe off the sugar, coat it with oil again and let stand 6 hours. Wipe off the oil again with a rum soaked cloth and proceed to smoke. Finishing brine: If not using the scotch sugar-rum cure, use a finishing brine to take away some of the hardness caused by the dry salt and finish distributing the salt through the fish. Make finishing brine in the ratio of 11 oz salt to 4 qt water and leave the side in the brine for 20 min for a 3/4" fillet up to 90 min for a 2" thick fillet. Drain the side skin side down making sure the brine can drain away so there are no salt deposits on the fish. A salt gloss will form and the flesh will cure. Allow to cure overnight 12 hours or even more. Extracted from: Smoking Salmon & Trout by Jack Whelan. Published by: Airie Publishing, Deep Bay, B.C. ISBN: 0-919807-00-3 Posted by: Jim Weller MMMMM