MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: About Soy Bean Sauces Categories: Beans, Condiments, Sauces, Chinese, Info Yield: 1 Servings 1 Info file Jeung Yow: Soya Sauce. Almost black sauce from soya beans. Ho-Yow: Oyster Sauce. Grayish Brown liquid Fooh Yu: Bean Curd Cheese: Tofu-like fermented in strong wine Naam Yu: Bean-Curd Cheese, Eastern style. Prepared in a brick-red sauce. Saang See Jeung: semi-solid mass of aromatic beans. Dow See: tiny fermented black beans. Hoy Sien Jeung: your hoisin sauce. From: Skeeter This is what my encyclopedia of Oriental Cooking says about brown-bean sauce. "Soy Bean Paste (sauce), also known as 'brown bean sauce', is sold in cans and jars in Chinese food stores. Being a paste (sauce) rather than a liquid, it is often used instead of soy sauce when a thicker sauce is required in stir-fry cooking. Because of its saltiness, soy bean paste acts as a preservative and is therefore often cooked with meat to be served cold later." Kevin & Dail united in Christ wrote: OK, these questions are getting tougher, but here goes. According to 'The Thousand Recipe Chinese Cookbook' by Gloria Bley Miller, brown bean sauce is: Thick, spicy, aromatic paste made with yellow beans, flour and salt, fermented in a semi-mash. Adds salty, full-bodied flavor to foods. Used to season fish, beef and duck; also bean curd and bland vegetables. (Cannot be used as a table condiment; must always be cooked.) Often used interchangeably with fermented black beans. Available in cans and jars. From: Kevin & Dail united in Christ U/l to NCE by Burt Ford 6/99. MMMMM