---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: LESSON III - HOW TO MOLD CANDY-PG. 2****FJVS2 Categories: Candies Yield: 2 Servings 1 LESSON 4. Clean your mold in warm water. DO NOT USE SOAP as it will leave a soapy taste on your candies and will eventually crack your molds. DO NOT BOIL OR PLACE IN DISHWASHER. Store molds flat and place tissues between stacked molds. (I don't place tissues--but maybe I should as I've lost a few good molds!--I have 5 cartons full!) 5. Nutty Centers: Fill the mold with just enough melted coating to cover each cavity. Tape the mold to eliminate air bubbles. Place a nut in each coated cavity and fill cavity with more melted coating. Refrigerate until ready to be unmolded. 6. To make shells for fillings: Fill cavity 1/4 full with melted coating. Using paint brush, paint coating onto sides of each cavity to form a "shell." After all cavities are done this way, place in refrigerator for a few mins. to harden. Pour in centers, almost filling each cavity, then seal with a covering of melted coating, using a tsp. about 1/2 full of the coating. Refrigerate to set the sealed candies, and unmold. TO BE CONTINUED... -----