---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: White Sauce Variations - Information Categories: Info/tips Yield: 1 servings Asparagus Sauce: Add 1/2 cup cooked or canned asparagus, cut into small pieces, to hot medium white sauce. Serve with omelets or souffles. Caper Sauce: Add 3 to 4 tb chopped capers and 1 ts lemon juice to white sauce. Serve with fish. Cheese Sauce: Add 1/2 to 1 cup chopped or grated American cheese and a dash of Worcestershire sauce or paprika (optional) to white sauce. Stir over hot, not boiling, water until cheese is melted. Serve with fish, eggs, macaroni, or rice. Cheese Olive Sauce: Prepare thick white sauce and omit salt. Add 1/2 to 1 cup chopped or grated American cheese and 1/2 cup stuffed olives to white sauce. Stir over hot, not boiling, water until cheese is melted. Serve with macaroni, rice, or vegetables. Cheese Tomato Sauce: Use 1/2 cup tomato juice or strained tomatoes and 1/2 cup milk in preparing medium sauce. Add 1/4 cup grated or finely cut American cheese to hot sauce. Stir until melted. Serve over cauliflower. Crabmeat Sauce: Remove bony particles from crabmeat and add 1/2 to 1 cup flaked canned crabmeat to seasoned medium white sauce. Flavor with 1 tb dry sherry wine if desired. Cream Onion or Celery Sauce: Saute 1/4 cup finely chopped onion or celery in 1 tb butter or margarine. Add to 1 cup medium white sauce. Creole Sauce: Use tomato juice or strained tomatoes for the liquid. Saute minced onion, chopped green pepper, and minced celery in the butter before flour is added. Curry Sauce: Add 1/4 to 1/2 ts curry powder with dry ingredients. Serve with chicken, lamb, rice, or fish. Dill Sauce: Add 3 tb minced fresh dill to 1 cup hot sauce, seasoned medium white sauce. Egg Sauce: Add 2 chopped hard-cooked eggs to white sauce, additional salt, and a dash of paprika. Serve with fish. Goldenrod Sauce: Add 2 chopped hard-cooked egg whites to 1 cup seasoned medium white sauce. Pour over fish and sprinkle with chopped hard-cooked egg yolks. Green Pea Sauce: Add 1/2 cup hot cooked or canned peas and 1 tb chopped pimento to hot medium white sauce. Serve with omelets or salmon or tuna loaf. Horseradish Sauce: Add 2 to 4 tb prepared drained horseradish, and 1/4 to 1/2 ts prepared mustard to white sauce. Serve with boiled beef or corned beef. Lobster or Shrimp Sauce: Add 1/2 to 1 cup canned or cooked lobster meat or shrimp, cut into small pieces to seasoned medium white sauce. For added flavor, add 1 tb dry white wine. Serve with omelets, baked, broiled, or poached fish. Milanese Sauce: Use 1/2 cup veal stock and 1/2 cup milk in preparing medium white sauce. Add 2 tb grated parmesan cheese to the thickened sauce. Serve with veal. Mock Holandaise Sauce: To 1/2 cup well seasoned white sauce, add equal amount of mayonaise and enough lemon juice to sharpen. Serve on asparagus and other green vegetables. Mushroom Sauce: Add 1/2 to 1 cup sliced cooked or canned mushrooms to white sauce. Serve with chicken or vegetables. Mustard Sauce: Add 1 tb prepared mustard to white sauce. Serve with fish or tongue. Oyster Sauce: Gently cook 1/2 cup small oysters in their own liquid until they plump and edges begin to curl, about 5 minutes. Add to hot medium white sauce. Serve with omelets, fish patties, and timbales. Paprika Sauce: Add 1/2 to 1 ts paprika with dry ingredients. Season with 1/4 ts lemon juice, if desired. Serve with noodles, macaroni, or chicken. Pimento Sauce: Add 1/4 cup chopped pimento to white sauce; 1/4 cup green pepper may be added if desired. Serve with fish or vegetables. -----