---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Basic Fern Preparation Categories: Info Yield: 1 batch 1 bn Ferns ;Boiling salted water Butter Salt and pepper to taste -or- Lemon juice or any sauce -- for asparagus Tatum writes: "The young, tender, tightly curled fronds - croziers or fiddleheads - of bracken (or brake ferns) and of ostrich and cinnamon ferns are all prepared in the same way. "Rub off the fuzz (or, for some ferns, the scaly coating) of the young, crisp fronds, wash them and place them, lying flat, in a saucepan or skillet with a small amount of boiling salted water. Bring water again to a boil. Turn to low heat, cover and simmer for 10 to 20 minutes, or until fronds are just tender (time will depend on the size and kind of fronds)." Season with butter, salt and pepper to taste, or serve with lemon juice of any sauce suitable for asparagus. From "Billy Joe Tatum's Wild Foods Cookbook and Field Guide" by Billy Joe Tatum. New York: Workman Publishing Company, Inc., 1976. Pg. 139. ISBN 0-911104-77-1. Posted by Cathy Harned. -----