* Exported from MasterCook * Basic Guidelines for Pressure Steaming Vegetables Recipe By : Cooking Under Pressure, copyright 1989 Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Basic Cooking Times Vegetables Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- ***none*** 1. Trim and prepare the vegetable as directed in Pressure Steaming Charts. Ve getables with the same cooking times may be steamed together. 2. Pour in the minimum amount of liquid requred by your cooker's manufacturer. 3. Set the rack or basket in place. (If your cooker comes with a steaming bas ket rather than a rack, it is easier to fill it with the vegetables and lower i t in after the water begins to boil. 4. Bring the liquid to a boil. 5. Unless otherwise stated in the alphabetical listing, distribute the vegetab les evenly on the rack or in the steaming basket. 6. Lock the lid in place, set the timer, and cook according to time indicated in Pressure Steaming Charts. 7. Always use a quick-release method after cooking vegetables, which are quite delicate and can easily be overcooked. Notes from author: The conventional way to pressure cook plain fresh vegetables is to set them on a rack above the water and steam them. Certain vegetables -- sliced carrots or baby okra, for example -- take so well to steam heat that they emerge from the cooker with enhanced flavor. For variety, try steaming vegetables over an aro matic broth, which not only contributes subtle flavor, but fills the kitchen wi th an irresistable fragrance. For preparing a large quantity of longer-cooking vegetables like beets or whole pattypan squash, the efficiency of the pressure cooker can't be beat. Pressur e steaming is also a great way to set time records for cooking quartered potato es, winter squash, and turnips that are to be mashed or pureed. I don't recommend the pressure cooker for all steaming tasks. Whole potatoes o r parsnips become soggy on the outside by the time their insides are cooked; th e same is true of large globe artichokes and brussels sprouts. And I seriously question the value of pressure-steaming quick-cooking vegetables such as aspar agus or fresh young corn when the savings in time is negligible and the danger of overcooking is enormous. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -