* Exported from MasterCook * WHAT IS GLUTEN Recipe By : Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Info/tips Breadmaker Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- ***** NONE ***** -PETER PARK JR (VNKJ85A) Let's clarify the distinction between GLUTEN and the DEVELOPING of Gluten through mixing and kneading (what Jackie calls "making Gluten"): ++ GLUTEN (also called 'VITAL GLUTEN') is one of several components of the wheat berry that is milled to make flour. It is high in protein and contributes to a lighter bread, higher rise, and IMPORTANTLY for those of us at high altutude, an elastic quality that reduces the liklihood of a rising loaf falling (like a balloon bursting because the rubber won't stretch anymore) -- GLUTEN gives the dough more stretch. ++ DEVELOPING THE GLUTEN (what Jackie describes) is the result of mixing and kneading that results in the elastic properties described above being developed in dough from Gluten in it. By hand kneading, or by kneading in an automatic breadmaker, the elasticity that Jackie described develops ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT GLUTEN IS PRESENT in the flour. ++ Various flours have more or less GLUTEN present -- All flour has some GLUTEN (or VITAL GLUTEN) -- Bread Flour has considerably more Gluten -- this is good for bread making and bad for cake making and other uses (which is why there are other types of flour (e.g. ALL PURPOSE FLOUR) ++ The ADDITION of GLUTEN (VITAL GLUTEN) beyond what is already in the flour is for several reasons: -- It is added to ALL PURPOSE flour to give it the GLUTEN amount already in BREAD FLOUR. For some this is economics, since ALL PURPOSE FLOUR with Gluten added is often cheaper than BREAD FLOUR. -- It is added to BREAD FLOUR to give extra rise and consistency (that is why bakers use it) -- It is added at high altutudes to provide extra elasticity. The chemical reason has to do with reduced density (pressume) at high elevations which causes the 'bubble' of rising bread to [fall] if the dough lacks extra elasticity. ADDED Gluten is nice for some - critical at high Alt. ++ GLUTEN (or VITAL GLUTEN) is available at health food stores for use for the reasons noted above. -- Many health food stores have it in bulk -- Most also have it in boxes especially ARROWHEAD MILLS IN A 10 oz box ($ 2.19 to $2.69 here) Formatted by Elaine Radis 05/31 09:45 pm LORELI Loafing and Laughing in Ocala, FL FOOD AND WINE BB TOPIC: BREADS BY MACHINE TIME: 05/31 10:50 PM TO: LORELI AGUDA (WSKD49A) FROM: LORELI AGUDA (WSKD49A) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -