---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Beef Mushroom Freezer Mix Categories: Meats Yield: 16 servings 4 lb Ground beef 2 1/2 lg Onions 2 cl Garlic; minced 3 cn Cream/mushroom soup (10 3/4 oz ea) 3 cn Mushroom stems/pieces (4 oz ea) 1/2 c Water or red wine 1 tb Instant beef bouillon 1/2 ts Pepper Cook and stir meat in Dutch oven until brown. Drain off fat. Stir in remaining ingredients; heat to boiling. Reduce heat; cover and simmer 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Divide mixture among four 1-qt freezer containers (about 3 cups in each). Cool quickly. Cover and label; freeze no more than 3 months (see note). Use freezer mix in the recipes that call for it. Note: Mixture can be stored in refrigerator up to 3 days. When using in rounds are brown, about 10 minutes longer. -----