---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: COCOA CRUNCH MIX Categories: Snacks, Chocolate, Candies Yield: 6 Servings 1/4 c Margarine 1 tb Sugar 1 tb Unsweetened cocoa powder 2 oz Thin pretzel sticks; coarse - broken 1 1/2 oz Wheat squares cereal 1 oz Shredded wheat; broken up 1 1/2 oz Toasted oat cereal 1 1/2 oz Unsalted peanuts; chopped 1/2 c Raisins In large saucepan, melt margarine; stir in sugar and cocoa. Add pretzels, wheat squares, shredded wheat, oat cereal and peanuts; cook, stirring frequently, 2-3 minutes. Stir in raisins; cook 2-3 minutes longer, until mixture is dry. Cool completely. Store in airtight container. -----