MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Bake-It-All-Mix Categories: Mixes Yield: 12 Servings 2 c Vegetable shortening 9 c All-purpose flour -- sifted 1 tb Salt 1/4 c Double acting baking Powder* Combine sifted flour, salt and baking powder. Stir well. Sift into a large bowl or pan. Add shortening. Use a pastry blender to distribute shortening throughout dry ingredients until the mixture resembles coarse cornmeal and small peas. The Bake-It-All Mix is now ready to use or store in a canister on your cupboard shelf. A cool area is desirable. Yield: About 12 cups NOTES: This mix is from a company called Jewel. I don't think that their product is available any longer, so I have substituted just the word shortening for the Jewel shortening. I have had excellant results using either Crisco or (lately) Mazola shortening in these recipes. Unfortunately, I think the Jewel shortening has gone to the shortening heaven with Spry and several others whose name eludes me now. Thank goodness the recipes have survived! * 4 Tablespoons Recipe By : MMMMM