MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Fun & Fruity Complexion Masks Categories: Household, Hints/info Yield: 1 Servings MMMMM---------------------CHEAPER AND BETTER-------------------------- MMMMM-------------------PEACH TIGHTENING MASK------------------------ 1 Peach, ripe, peeled, pitted 1 Egg white MMMMM------------------STRAWBERRY DRAWING MASK----------------------- 1/2 c Strawberries, very ripe 1/4 c Cornstarch MMMMM-----------------APPLE MASK FOR NORMAL SKIN---------------------- 1 Apple, cored, quartered 2 tb Honey 1/2 ts Sage MMMMM----------------CUCUMBER MASK FOR OILY SKIN--------------------- 1/2 Cucumber 1 Egg white 1 tb Lemon juice 1 ts Mint MMMMM--------------------BLEMISHED SKIN MASK------------------------- 1 Tomato, ripe, chpd 1 ts Lemon juice 1 tb Instant style oatmeal or old -fashioned rolled oats MMMMM-----------------------FOLLOW UP WITH---------------------------- FACIAL RINSING LOTIONS or FRESH FACIAL CREAM ** After using a mask, it's a good idea to follow up with either FACIAL RINSING LOTIONS or FRESH FACIAL CREAM. 1. Peach Tightening Mask: Whip peach and egg white together in a blender until smooth. Gently pat mixture all over your face, relax 30 mins, then rinse off with cool water. 2. Strawberry Drawing Mask: Mix strawberries and cornstarch together to make a paste and apply to face, avoiding the delicate area around your eyes. Leave on for 30 mins and rinse off with cool water. 3. Apple Mask for Normal Skin: Srop apple into food processor and chp. Add honey and sage and refrigerate 10 mins. Pat mixture onto your face with a light tapping motion, tapping until honey feels tacky. Leave on for 30 mins, rinse. 4. Cucumber Mask for Oily Skin: Puree all and refrigerate 10 mins. Apply mixture to your face and leave on 15 mins. Rinse with hot, then cool water. 5. Blemished Skin Mask: Blend all until just combined. Apply to skin, making sure the mixture is thick enough to stay on blemished areas: cheeks, forehead, or chin. Add a bit more oatmeal to thicken the mask, if necessary. Leave on 10 mins, then scrub off with a clean washcloth dipped in warm water. MMMMM