MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: DOG BISQUITS Categories: Pet food Yield: 24 servings 3/4 c Hot water or meat juices 1/3 c Margarine 1/2 c Powdered milk 1/2 ts Salt 2 ts Sugar 1 Egg; beaten 3 c Whole wheat flour Pour hot water or juice over margarine. Add powdered milk, salt, sugar, and egg. Gradually add flour, about 1/2 C. at a time till you have a stiff dough. Knead 3-4 minutes. Roll out 1/2" thick and cut into shapes. Bake in 325 degree oven for 50 minutes. P.S. I use a food processor with plastic blade. MMMMM