---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Akkra (Bean Fritters) Categories: Appetizers, Jamaica, Caribbean, Beans/peas, Upload Yield: 24 fritters 1 c Peas, black-eyed 2 ea Pepper, red, hot; seeded, -chopped 2 ts Salt Oil, vegetable; for frying Soak the beans overnight in cold water. Drain, rub off and discard the skin, cover beans again with cold water and soak for 2-3 hours longer. Drain, rinse, and put through a meat grinder using the finest blade, or reduce bit by bit in an electric blender. Grind the peppers. Add the salt and peppers to the beans and beat with a wooden spoon until they are light and fluffy and considerably increased in bulk. Heat the oil in a heavy frying pan and fry the mixture by tablespoonfuls until golden brown on both sides. Drain on paper towels. Serve hot as an accompaniment to drinks. MM and upload by DonW1948@aol.com / CBCC -----