MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Antipasto Categories: Appetizers, Dips Yield: 10 servings 2 ea Green peppers 2 ea Stalks of celery 1 ea Garlic clove 1 ea Flowerets of med cauliflower 1 c Tuna fish drained 1 t Granulated sugar 1 ea Medium onion 3 ea Carrots 1/2 lb Sliced mushrooms 2 T Oil 1 ea Juice of one lemon 13 oz Bottle of ketchup Finely chop peppers, onion, celery, carrots, garlic, mushrooms and cauliflower; cook in hot oil for 5 minutes, mix well. Cook 5 minutes. Pour into sterilzed jars, cool and refrigerate. When serving, place antipasto in a pretty dish, surround with crackers. MMMMM