MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Emilie's Tortelli with Two Sauces Categories: Appetizers, Pasta, Sauces Yield: 40 Servings 1/2 Bag Cheese Tortellini Amore cooked as directed 2 Envelopes Chinese Lemon Chicken Sauce ( Noh ) 1 c Water 1 lg Can crushed tomatoes 2 t Oregano dried 2 t Dried Basil 2 t Italian seasoning 1 T Crushed garlic ( in jar) 1 sm Onion minced Cook Tortelli as directed and cool. Rinse and refrigerate. Make the Chinese sauce as directed. I heated it and added a bit of cornstarch to thicken a little more for dipping. Tomato Sauce: simmer sauce on stove with ingredients on very low for about 4 hours to blend flavors. Stir occasionally. Serve tortellin on platter with two dipping sauces Tortelli was from Price Cosco and was very cheesy Format by Emilie rwsm05a MMMMM