---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: MUSHROOM PATE Categories: Vegan, Appetizers Yield: 2 Servings 1 md Onion; chopped 2 Garlic cloves; chopped 50 g Butter* 1 Thick slice wholemeal bread A little milk or water 100 g Mushrooms 1 ts Sea salt 2 ts Mixed herbs, chopped Grated nutmeg Black pepper *(Vegans use vegan margarine or oil instead of butter) Wholesome and full of flavour, this mushroom pate also has a mouth-watering softness on the palate. Serve it on granary toast, with a slice of tomato as garnish - or take it on a picnic. Stew the chopped onion and garlic gently in 25 g (1 oz) of the butter until soft. Meanwhile, soak the bread in a little milk or water, and chop the mushrooms. Now fry the mushrooms with the onion and garlic, squeeze the bread and crumble it into the pan. Add the chopped herbs, salt, pepper and a little grated nutmeg. Cook all together for a minute or two, then liquidize the mixture, together with the rest of the butter. Press into a small dish and refrigerate for several hours. Copyright Rosamond Richardson 1996