---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Giardinera Categories: Appetizers Yield: 3 quarts 1 sm Head cauliflower 3 c White-wine or rice vinegar 2 md Red peppers 2 1/2 c Water 1 md Yellow pepper 4 tb Sea salt or Kosher salt 2 Ribs celery 4 Cloves garlic 3 sm Pickling cucumbers 2 sm Chile pods 1 lb Carrots (baby carrots are 12 Peppercorns -especially nice) 8 lg Sprigs fresh dill 2 3 sm. Japanese eggplants Olive oil to top off Thoroughly clean and trim the vegetables, removing all blemishes, seeds, ribs from inside the peppers, and tough stems. Cut the vegetables into uniform sizes: 2 in. pieces, and baby carrots can be left whole. Blanch the eggplant for 1 min. in boiling salted water. Pack all vegetables snugly into a clean glass jar with a clamp lid. In a glass or ceramic bowl, mix the vinegar, water, salt, and seasonings. Pour the mixture over the vegetables to completely submerge them. Make more pickling liquid if necessary. Top off with a 1/2 in. layer of olive oil. Store in a cool pantry for two weeks before eating. Posted to MM-Recipes Digest V4 #00000586 by margo@merle.acns.nwu.edu (Margo Hobbs Thompson) on Feb 1, 1997. -----