---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Arancine Siciliane (Stuffed Rice Balls) Categories: Appetizers, Meats, Rice, Italian Yield: 12 Rice balls -----------------FREDDIE JOHNSON MDTF77A----------------- RICE 6 c Cold cooked rice 2 Eggs; lightly beaten 1/4 c Romano or Parmigiana; grate 1 tb Parsley; chop Salt & pepper to taste FILLING 2 lb Ground beef 2 tb Olive oil 1 lg Onion; chop 1 sm Can tomato paste Salt & pepper 5 oz Frozen peas Bread crumbs Put rice in a large bowl and stir in eggs, cheese, parsley, S & P. Brown meat in a skillet and drain off fat. Set aside. In another pan, heat the olive oil and saute onions until transparent. Add meat, tomato paste and S & P. Simmer for 15 minutes. Add the peas and simmer until they are cooked. Chill the mixture. Mold 1/4 cup of rice mixture into the palm of your hand, making an indentation with your thumb. Fill that with 1 tb filling. Cover the filling with another 1/4 cup rice and shape into a ball , making sure that the meat is sealed inside the rice. Roll the ball in bread crumbs. Heat oil in deep-fat fryer or deep pan to 375. Fry balls until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Serve hot or at room temp. NOTE: Rice balls such as these and a similar version, stuffed with cheese are common street snacks in S. Italy & Sicily. The name comes from the word "orange" and refers to the shape of the rice ball. If you want to experiment, try using risotto, or for the filling, vegetables and cheese. Source: Monastero's Ristorante Southwest Airline's Spirit Magazine, Sept. '96. -----