MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Chilli-Cheese Nachos Categories: Appetizers, Snacks, Dairy, Cheese Yield: 5 Servings 16 oz Can chilli w/o beans * 8 oz Jar pasteurized process - cheese spread 8 oz Bag tortilla chips 2 c Shredded lettuce 1 c Chopped tomatoes 1/2 c Sour cream Microwave chilli and process cheese spread on high 5 minutes or until thoroughly heated, stirring every 2 minutes. Layer half of chips, half of chilli mixture, remaining chips and remaining chilli mixture on large serving platter. Top with remaining ingredients. * Ray's Chilli or Chilli Man are excellent. Also Taylor's and Scully's, although they may hard to find outside of central Illinois. Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM