* Exported from MasterCook * SPLIT PEA PATE Recipe By : Serving Size : 16 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Vegetarian Appetizers Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 2 c Split peas, dried 4 c -- water 1 4-inch strip kombu 1 md Carrot -- halved lengthwise 6 Garlic cloves 1/4 sm Onion 1 Bay leaf 2 Parsley sprigs 3 tb Arrowroot 4 tb -- water 2 tb Smoked yeast 1 t Sea salt 2 pn Ground nutmeg Wash the split peas, sort out any tiny rocks or odd peas, and put the peas in a medium saucepan with the water. Add the kombu, carrot, garlic, onion, bay leaf, and parsley. Cover the pan tightly and simmer until the peas are very soft (about 35 to 40 minutes). the mixture should be cooked until there is very little, if any, liquid left. Remove the bay leaf and parsley. Pour the mixture into the blender (in two batches), and blend until smooth. Return to the pan. In a small bowl, mix the arrowroot, water, yeast, salt and nutmeg. Add these seasonings to the pea mixture. stir until well blended. bring the mixture to a simmer, stirring constantly. When the pate detaches itself from the sides of the pan remove from the heat. If the pate seems too liquid, just add another tablespoon of arrowroot, dissolved in a tablespoon of water, to make the mixture firmer. turn the pate mixture out into a lightly oiled serving dish and refrigerate. If the mixture becomes firm enough, you can unmold it onto a plate and garnish with more parsley sprigs. Variation: In place of the split peas, use 2 cups of lentils. Increase the amount of water to about 5 cups. Insert 4 cloves into the carrot halves. Along with the kombu, carrots, garlic, onion, bay leaf, and parsley, add the leafy tops from 4 stalks of celery. Cook these ingredients with the lentils and water for 30 to 35 minutes. Remove the cloves from the carrots. Then puree the mixture as in the recipe above. Source: Friendly Foods, by Bro. Ron Pickarski/MM by DEEANNE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -