MMMMM----- Recipe via UNREGISTERED Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Mandu Tuikim (Korean dumplings) Categories: Appetizers, Dumplings, Korean, Sauces, Val's Yield: 70 Dumplings 1/2 lb Cabbage 1/2 md Onion 1/2 lb Lean ground beef 1 Egg 1 tb Flour 1 tb Soya sauce 1 ds Salt and pepper 1 pk Wonton skins or wrappers 1 Egg white 1/4 c Vegetable oil Boil Cabbage and onion until cooked. Grind finely. Put the cooked cabbage and onion in cheese cloth and squeeze to remove moisture. Mix cabbage and onions with remaining ingredients, up to wonton skins. Open wonton package, taking one at a time, so thay won't dry out, wet two edges with egg white and drop filling mixture onto center. Fold into triangle and seal, making sure there is no air left inside. Once your triangles are all made, drop into boiling water until they float. Leave them in the boiling water for 1 minute and then remove them immediately. Let them dry on a tray until the skin is no longer sticky to the touch. Dry on both sides. A fan may speed up the process. Pan fry the triangles in the 1/4 cup vegetable oil until brown and crisp. Serve hot with dipping sauce. To Follow. Dipping Sauce: 1 ounce Kikoman Soya Sauce 1/2 ounce Vinegar 1 tsp. Sake Mix all the ingredients together. MMMMM