MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Emilie's Tofu Cubes and Dipping Sauce Categories: Appetizers, Vegan, Sauces Yield: 8 Servings 1 Cake firm Tofu 2 T Roasted Sesame seeds 2 Beef boullion cubes 1 T Soy sauce 2 t Cornstarch Olive oil for frying Cut tofu into small cubes. Roll in sesame seed and fry in oil until golden on all sides. I used very hot oil. Drain on paper towels Dissolve bouillon in 1 cup water in microwave and pour in saucepan. Add soy sauce and cornstarch and heat whisking until it thickens to a dippping sauce. Put 1/2 c soy sauce in another bowl for vegetarian dip. Serve on platter with dipping sauces format by Emilie rwsm05a MMMMM