---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: HAM ROLLS Categories: Appetizers, Desserts, Side dish Yield: 6 servings Cottage cheese and oil Pastry (3) FOR BRUSHING: 1/2 Egg white FILLING: 2 1/2 oz (70g) raw ham 2 1/2 oz (70g) boiled ham 2 Small pickled gherkins FOR BRUSHING: A little tinned milk roll out the pastry thinly and cut out rectangles of 3X6 in. (7X14 cm) Brush the edges of these with egg white. FOR THE FILLING: cut the ham and the gherkins into strips of 3 in. (7cm) long. Place a few strips of ham and gherkins on ech piece of pastry an roll up from the shorter side. Lay the rolls on a greased baking sheet and brush with milk. OVEN: pre-heat for 5 min. at very hot, bake at very hot BAKING TIME: about 15 minutes. -----