---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Ratner's Knishes Categories: Appetizers, Jewish Yield: 4 Servings 1/3 c Egg whites (about 2) 2 tb Oil 1/4 ts Salt 3/4 c Water 3 c All-purpose flour Oil Vegetable Filling and/or Potato Filling 1 Egg beaten; for wash VEGETABLE FILLING: 1/4 c Oil 1 1/2 c Onion; chopped 1 Clove garlic; chopped 1 Carrot; diced 1 c Celery 2 c Mushrooms; chopped 1/2 c Green pepper; chopped 1 c Rice; cooked 1 c Kasha; cooked 1 Egg Salt & freshly ground pepper POTATO FILLING 1/4 c Butter 3 c Onion; chopped 4 c Idaho potatoes; mashed Salt & freshly ground pepper 1. Combine first 5 ingredients and beat with an electric mixer until smooth. Pour a thin layer of oil over dough. Let stand at room temp for 1 hour. 2. Prepare filling as directed. 3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 4. On a heavily floured board, knead dough until smooth & elastic. Roll out to a 1/8 inch thickness, shaping into a 14 X 24 inch oblong. Brush dough with oil. 5. Spoon Potato Filling along one 24 inch edge of the dough. Spoon Vegetable filling along the other 24 inch edge. 6. Roll the dough over the filling and continue rolling towards the center. Then roll the other side towards the center in the same way. Separate the 2 rolls by cutting down the center. Cut each long roll into 2 pieces. 7. Place all 4 pieces on a heavily greased cookie sheet. Brush with oil and bake for 35 - 40 minutes, or until golden brown. 8. Remove from oven and brush with egg wash. Return to oven and bake 10 minutes longer. 9. Cut into 1 1/2 inch pieces and serve warm. NOTE: After, cooling, knishes may be sliced, wrapped and frozen (up to 1 year) and used when desired. Yield: Four 12 inch lengths VEGETABLE FILLING: 1. In a 10 inch skillet heat the oil. Add onion, garlic, carrot, celery, mushrooms and green pepper and saute for 10 minutes or until veggies are tender. 2. Stir in rice, kasha and egg. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 3. Use as filling for Knishes. Yield: 3 1/2 cups filling (enough for two 2 inch knishes POTATO FILLING: 1. In a skillet heat butter and saute onion until golden brown. 2. Stir in mashed potato, salt & pepper to taste. 3. Cool 4. Use as filling for pirogen or knishes. Yield: Filling for 50 small pirogen or two 12 inch knishes Source: "THE WORLD-FAMOUS RATNER'S MEATLESS COOKBOOK" From: WXHA93A, Sandra Capps , Prodigy, 10/24/95 From the MM database of Judi M. Phelps. jphelps@slip.net or jphelps@best.com -----