---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Samosas Categories: Appetizers, Ethnic, Ground beef, Beef Yield: 16 servings 1/2 lb Very lean ground beef 1 ea Cardamom seed (optional) 1/2 ea Medium onion, chopped 1 c Water 1/2 ea 1 in fresh ginger root 1/3 c Ciliantro leaves, chopped 6 ea Cloves garlic 2 c All-purpose flour 1/2 ts Cumin seed 2 tb Vegetable shortening 1/2 ts Salt (optional) 10 tb Water approximately 1 ts Chili powder 2 ts Liquid egg substitute 1/2 ea 1 in cinnamon stick For filling: In blender or food processor, grind onion, ginger root, garlic, cinnamon stick, cardamom, cumin and salt. Break cinnamon stick into pieces before adding to blender. Spray a medium skillet with non stick spray. Add ground beef and blend the spice mixture. Cook until beef is browned. Add 1 cup water and cook until water evaporates. Add coriander leaves and stir to mix. For pastry: Cut shortening into flour until it resembles coarse meal. Sprinkle with water, 2 teaspoons at a time, and mix with a fork until you can form it into a stiff dough. Shape dough into ball and cut into 8 equal pieces. Shape each piece into a ball and roll on lightly floured board into a 6-inch flat circle. Cut circle in half. Place a scant 1 tablespoon of filling on each half. Moisten edges of pastry with water. Fold and pinch edges together. Brush lightly with egg substitute for golden brown pastry. Bake at 425 degree for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. -----