---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Tabouli Categories: Appetizers, Rice, Mcdougall Yield: 4 servings 1/2 c Bulgur; dry 1 c Water; boiling 1 Tomato; chopped 1/2 c Fresh parsley; chopped 2 tb Lemon juice 1/8 ts Garlic powder 1/4 c Green onions; chopped (about 3 green onions) 1/4 c Fresh mint leaves 1/2 c Garbanzo beans, cooked Recipe by: McDougall Put the bulgur in a small mixing bowl. Pour the boiling water over the bulgur. Mix. Cover with a towel and let stand for 1 hour. After 1 hour the excess water should be removed. The easiest way to do this is to pour the bulgur and water into a fine mesh strainer. Let the water drain off, pressing the bulgur with your hands to remove as much of the excess water as possible. Place the drained bulgur in a bowl. Add the remaining ingredients. Toss well to mix. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours to blend flavors. HELPFUL HINTS: This is a great make-ahead dish, easy to take to a pot-luck dinner or picnic. Try it stuffed in pita bread for a different sandwich idea. This recipe can be doubled or quadrupled easily for larger amounts. Keeps well in regrigerator. From the collection of Sue Smith, S.Smith34, Uploaded June 16, 1994 MMMMM