MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Buffalo Chicken Wings Categories: Poultry, Vegetables, Chilies Yield: 6 servings 3 lb Chicken wings 1/3 c Relatively mild hot sauce * 4 tb Butter; melted 1 tb White or sherry vinegar 1 tb Garlic; minced Salt and pepper * Frank's or Cholula - UDD Cut 3 lb of chicken wings into 3 sections; save the wing tips for stock. Toss the wings with a little neutral oil to keep them from sticking. Heat a charcoal or gas grill; the fire should be moderately hot and the rack 4 to 6" from the heat. Leave one side of the grill cooler for indirect cooking. Put the wings on the cool side of the grill. Cover the grill and cook, checking and turning once or twice, until most of the fat has been rendered and the wings are cooked through, 15 to 20 minutes. (You can also broil in the oven on a sheet pan, flipping wings halfway through.) While the wings cook, combine 1/3 cup relatively mild hot sauce, 4 tb melted butter, 1 tb sherry vinegar or white vinegar, 1 tb minced garlic, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. When the wings are cooked, add them to the bowl with the sauce, and toss to coat. Now put the wings on the hot part of the grill and cook, uncovered, turning as necessary, until they're nicely browned on both sides. (Or return to the broiler for a few minutes.) Recipe by Mark Bittman RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM