---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Para-Guacamole Categories: Appetizers Yield: 12 Servings 3 California avocados 1 Poblano chile 2 Serrano chiles 1 sm White onion 3 cl Garlic 2 Lemons; juice of, up to 3 1/4 ts Powdered cumin 1 ts Tabasco sauce Salt to taste Roast the poblano chile over a low flame (or under a broiler) until the skin begins to char and blister. Place in a paper bag and let set for a few minutes. While the poblano is 'steaming', mince the onion and place in a large bowl. De-seed and scoop out the avocados, taking care to discard any brown portions. Place the avocado in bowl with onion and pound into slightly lumby paste. Take the poblano chile out of the bag and peel it, removing the stem, seeds, and internal membranes. Remove the stem end of the serranos. Peel the garlic cloves. Place the poblano, serranos, garlic, lemon juice, cumin, and Tabasco sauce in a blender and whizz until pureed. Add this to the avocado/onion mixture in the large bowl and mix thoroughly. The flavor blends better if the guacamole is left in the refrigerator for an hour or two before serving. There are at least as many variations of Guacamole as there are people who make it, but this version may offend some purists, hence the name. This recipe is the result of experimentation with the basic guacamole recipe. I personally prefer more cumin in it, but you don't want the result to taste more like bean dip than guacamole. Never use Florida avocados for guacamole -- you'll get a watery green pulp. -----