MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Guacamole Con Cilantro Categories: Appetizers Yield: 6 servings 2 Avocados; mashed 1 tb Lemon juice 2 Tomatoes; peel and chop 1 c Onions; chopped 1 ts Seasoned salt 1/2 ts Lemon pepper 2 tb Black olives; chopped 1 tb Green chili peppers; chopped 1 tb Fresh cilantro; chopped Mash the ripe avocado, add lemon juice and blend. Peel, chop and drain the tomatoes. Add along with remaining ingredients to the avocado mixture; blend. Cover and chill. Serve over chicken enchiladas or as a sauce over any Mexican-style chicken, beef, or cheese dish. Also serve with tortilla chips as a dip. Can be kept in refrigerator up to 24 hours if covered very tightly. Recipe by Jo Anne Merrill Compliments of: Kathleen's Recipe Swap Page MMMMM