MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Chili Con Queso Categories: Dips Yield: 1 Batch 1 lb Velveeta; chunks 1/2 lb Sharp cheddar; grated 1/2 sm Onion; chopped 1 md Tomato; chopped 6 oz Green chile (8 oz); chopped 1 cl Fresh garlic; up to 2 cl, -finely minced Milk; to thin Cook onions on low heat until translucent. Add chile, tomatoes, and minced garlic. Cook approximately 3 minutes. Add cheese a little at a time, starting with the Velveeta. After cheese melts, add milk to thin the queso to the desired consistency. If you are using a saucepan on a stove top, stir constantly while the cheese is melting. I use a double broiler to avoid burning while melting the cheese and to keep the queso hot if I am serving in small batches, like during a party. Recipe FROM: MMMMM