---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Taco Dip (Doug Likes) Categories: Appetizers, Great, Marie Yield: 12 servings 8 oz Cream cheese 8 oz Sour cream 8 oz Taco sauce 1 pk Dry taco seasoning mix ----------------------------------TOPPING------------------------ ---------- 1 Onion, choppep 1 Green pepper, chopped ---------------------------------TOPPING 2--------------------------------- 1 pk Taco seasoned cheese(6 oz) 1 Tomato, chopped fine Mix the first 4 ingredients together early in the day. This allows the flavors to mingle. To serve, place in a nice dish. Sprinkle the topping 1 ingredients over. Then sprinkle the topping 2 ingredients over everything. Serve with Nacho chips. -----