MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Vegetable Nut Pate Categories: Pate Yield: 2 cups 1 tb Vegetable oil or water 1 lg Onion 1 c Green beans, trimmed 1 c Cashews 1 tb Lemon juice Salt to taste Pepper to taste Heat the oil or water in a small frying pan. Cook the onion slowly over moderately low heat, stirring frequently, until very soft - about 5-7 minutes. Steam the green beans over boiling water until just tender, about 10 minutes. Place the onion, beans and the remaining ingredients in a food processor and puree until smooth. Transfer the pate to a serving bowl and serve immediate. The pate can be refrigerated, but bring it to room temperature before serving. Preparation time, 20 minutes. MMMMM