MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Kid's Krunchy Krazy Korn Categories: Snacks Yield: 2 servings MMMMM-------------------PILLSBURY HOLIDAY CKBK------------------------ 8 c Puffed popcorn curls; from 8 oz. pkg.* 1 c Brown sugar 1/2 c Butter 1/4 c Light corn syrup 1/2 t Baking soda 1 t Vanilla Heat oven to 250 F. Place popcorn curls in 15x10x1" baking pan. In large saucepan, combine brown sugar, margarine and corn syrup; bring to a boil over med. heat, stirring constantly. Simmer 2 minutes; remove from heat. Stir in baking soda and vanilla. Pour mixture evenly over popcorn curls; mix well. Bake at 250 for 30 minutes, stirring twice during baking. Immediately remove from pan; cool completely on waxed paper or greased foil. Store in tightly covered container. Makes 8 cups. *TIP: Eight cups popped popcorn can be substituted for puffed popcorn curls. 1/2 cup peanuts can be added to popcorn curls. "popcorn curls contain no hulls, they are a nice alternative for those who are unable to eat popcorn." It comes from my Pillsbury "Holiday" cookbook, Classic #142. MMMMM