MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Nut Cutlets Categories: Snacks, Ceideburg 2 Yield: 1 batch 1 oz Butter 3/4 To one gill of milk 4 oz Groundnuts (roasted and put -through a mincing machine) Cayenne pepper and salt 1 oz Flour 2 Oz. fresh breadcrumbs Worcestershire, tomato or -H.P. sauce to flavour Juice of one lemon (to bind -it well) Melt the fat and add the flour to it. Beat in the liquid gradually, stir until boiling and cook for a few minutes. Add the minced nuts and other ingredients. Beat well over heat until all the ingredients bind, then turn onto a wet plate and mark out evenly. When cold, form into cutlets, using a dusting of flour. Brush with beaten egg or milk and serve with tomato sauce. This recipe can also be used for the making of egg cutlets, 3 hard boiled eggs being substituted for the nuts. Posted by Stephen Ceideburg November 25 1990. MMMMM