---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: COTTAGE CHEESE PANCAKES (BLENDER METHOD) Categories: Ethnic, Snacks Yield: 1 servings 1/2 c Rolled Oats 1 c Cottage Cheese or Tofu 4 Eggs 1/3 c Milk ;approx -------------------------OPTIONAL------------------------- 1/4 ts Salt 1/2 ts Vanilla 1/2 ts Baking Soda -if cottage cheese -is very sour Combine all ingredients except milk in blender and process at medium speed until smooth. Add milk until batter is like medium-thick pancake batter. Bake as for ordinary pancakes on a lightly greased skillet or griddle over medium high heat until brown on both sides. Serve hot with fresh fruit, jam, hot applesauce or butter and cinnamon-sugar. A delicious change! Makes about 25 3" pancakes. These are all from the _Whole_Foods_For_The_ _Whole_Family_Cookbook_. PROTEIN: 66.1 GRAMS; CALORIES: 808 From: SANDRA MAY Refer#: NONE Conf: (1010) F-COOKING -----