---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: COTTAGE CHEESE & PINEAPPLE ROLL UPS. Categories: Light, Meal Yield: 1 servings 2 1 oz 30 g crustless slices White bread. 2 ts Low fat spread. 2 oz 60 g Low fat cottage Cheese With pineapple. Quarter oz 7 g almonds or Unsalted peanuts finely Chopped 1. Cover the slices of bread evenly with the low fat spread. Reserve 2 tsp of the cottage cheese and divide the rest between the bread spreading to cover the surface. Roll up into sausage shapes 2. Mash the reserved cottage cheese with a teaspoon until smooth and then spread a little down the length of each rolled sandwich. Lightly toast the chopped nuts and sprinkle them along each roll. Serve at once. Preparation 5 minutes. Serves 1: 275 calories. -----