MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Chaat Party Categories: Breads, Vegetables, Fruits, Sauces, Nuts Yield: 3 servings MMMMM-----------------------CRUNCHY BASES---------------------------- Chakri; chickpea flour - crackers Chekkalu; rice flour - crackers Thattai; spiced rice flour - and sesame crackers Namak para; spiced - whole-wheat flour crackers Bhel; puffed rice Murukku; wheat flour - crackers MMMMM-----------------FRUITS, VEGETABLES & HERBS---------------------- Tomatoes, cucumbers, - pineapple, mangoes & - radishes; coarse chopped Boiled potatoes; coarse - chopped Roasted sweet potatoes; - coarse chopped Cilantro and mint; coarse - chopped Onions & fresh ginger; fine - chopped Fresh red & green chilies; - fine chopped Starfruit; sliced Roasted corn kernels Lemon & lime wedges; for - spritzing MMMMM---------------------------SAUCES-------------------------------- Tamarind Chutney Cilantro-Mint Chutney Green Chile Chutney Raita MMMMM-----------------------OTHER TOPPINGS---------------------------- Roasted peanuts & cashews Chaat masala Red chile powder Sev * * small pieces of crunchy noodles made from chickpea flour paste, which are seasoned with turmeric, cayenne, and ajwain before being deep-fried in oil. Put each item in an individual bowl alongside a stack of larger bowls to enable your guests to mix up their chaat with a spoon or, more traditionally, their hands. As a starter suggestion for assembly: Begin with a crunchy base (crackers, bhel or murukku), add vegetables and fruits, then chutneys and raita, and finally lime juice, plus any combination of other toppings, such as chaat masala, red chile powder and sev. Improv and adjustments are encouraged. Recipe from: Maneet Chauhan Adapted by: Priya Krishna Yield: Varies RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM