MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Rooster Hot Peanuts Categories: Dehydrator, Snacks Yield: 16 Oz 3 c Dry roasted peanuts (whole 16 oz jar) 1/2 c Water 1/4 c Hot pepper sauce ** ds Salt before dehydrating ** You can use what ever hot sauce you like. Our best results were from Sriracha hot sauce, also known as rooster sauce. We have tried Crystals and Tabasco and did not like them as much. Place nuts in a 7x11 inch flat glass pan. In measuring cup combine the water and hot sauce. Mix well. Pour over nuts. Stir every 30 minutes to ensure even distribution of sauce. Let marinate total of 2 hours. Right before placing on dehydrator sprinkle nuts lightly with salt. Spread nuts evenly on small mesh dehydrating drying trays - do not overload each tray - spread to a single layer. (I have a Nesco dehydrator and one batch will use two of the trays) Dry in an electric dehydrator at 145 degrees for 10 hours -OR- until nuts are crunchy. Nuts will be more crunchy after they cool down but you want there to be a crunch while they are still warm. Store in an air tight container or vacuum seal. Tested often and included in Care Packages to our son. MMMMM