MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Tuna Tomato Rice Cake Categories: Snack Yield: 2 Cakes 1 cn Tuna (or chicken or crab) 2 Rice cakes (any savory -flavors) 1 Tomato 4 ds Everything-but-The-Bagel -seasoning blend 1 sm Avocado Preparation time: 5 minutes Healthy snack packed full of flavor. Open can of tuna, drain and break up tuna with fork. Toss flaked tuna with a couple dashes of Everything-Bagel-Seasoning and set aside. Slice tomato into 1/4" slices. Top each rice cake with tomato slices (as many as desired). Add on top of tomato/rice cakes the seasoned flaked tuna and set aside. Slice avocado. Top rice cakes with sliced avocado. Add a dash of Everything-Bagel-Seasoning on top of each rice cake. Enjoy! Recipe by Sharon Recipe FROM: MMMMM