MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Passion Fruit Energy Balls Categories: Fruits, Snacks, Grains, Nuts Yield: 18 servings 6 Passion fruit 1/4 c Desiccated coconut; more to - cover the balls 1/4 c Ground flaxseed 1/2 c Rolled oats 1/2 c Ground almonds 4 Dates; soaked if not that - juicy 1 tb Coconut oil Strain the passion fruit to get the juice and the pulp. The seeds will be left in the strainer. Put everything into the blender. Blend until everything comes together and is almost fudge like in consistency. Roll into balls. Roll into some desiccated coconut. Chill your balls in the fridge before eating. Enjoy Makes 16-20 balls RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM