MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Popcorn Categories: Camping, Snacks Yield: 1 Batch Oil Popcorn kernels MMMMM--------------------------TOPPINGS------------------------------- Butter; melted Salt Nutritional yeast Parmesan cheese Soy sauce MMMMM----------------PALMITAS MEXICANAS, (MEXICAN--------------------- Butter; melted 2 ds Chili poweder 2 ds Garlic 2 ds Cumin 2 ds Black pepper MMMMM-----------------------HERBED POPCORN---------------------------- Butter; melted Oregano Basil Parsley MMMMM-----------------------SWEET POPCORN---------------------------- 2 Parts butter; melted 1 Part honey or maple syrup MMMMM------------------CINNAMON-ORANGE POPCORN----------------------- 3 Parts butter; melted 1 Part orange juice 1 ds Cinnamon MMMMM-------------------PEANUT BUTTER POPCORN------------------------ 5 Parts peanut butter; melted 1 Part peanut butter; not -melted Few foods gained such widespread appeal as the simple, yet explosive snack food known as popcorn. Its airy mystique unmistakable flavor and curious shape has resulted in incurable addictions. Anxiously I listen to the bombarding kernels awaiting the moment when I can grip my fingers around the puffed morsels and finally stuff a handful akwardly into my mouth. The delicate flavor of popcorn can be easily destroyed by burning or oversalting. After many years of popping, I have found the following method most successful: Coat the bottom of a large pot generously with oil. Place on heat and drop one defenseless kernel into the oil. When it pops, it is just the right temperature to add more kernels. Add only enough to layer the bottom one kernel thick. Replace the lid and wait patiently. When the popping subsides, let out a little steam or shake the pot and replae on eat until the popping stops--immediately remove from heat and enjoy it perfectly plain or coated with any of the topping combinations listed in this recipe. Recipe by Cycle Food by Lauren Hefferon MMMMM