* Exported from MasterCook * ABOUT BAGELS -- GENERAL DIRECTIONS 2 B Recipe By : Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- Text THE HEAVY DUTY MIXER WITH A DOUGH HOOK A heavy duty electric mixer with a dough hook will make short work of mixing small or large batches of dough quickly. Combine the warm liquid (110-115 degrees), syrup, honey or sugar, oil and yeast, and then add half the flour and all other dry ingredients. Add remaining flour until a ball forms. The dough hook will do part or all of the kneading, which should take about 5 minutes. If the dough begins to strain the machine, add more water so it becomes softer (check your manufacturer's directions; a heavy duty mixer with a dough hook should have no problem kneading). When dough appears near desired consistency, remove it from the bowl and knead in extra dough until it forms a soft ball. Follow the same first rise procedures as in the hand mixing or food processor methods. If a fast-rising yeast is used, the first rise is not necessary. Proceed to Step 2: Shape Bagels. BY HAND: Mix together warm water (110-115 degrees), yeast and 1 tsp. sugar and let stand for 5 minutes. In a large bowl, add remaining sugar, salt and 2 cups flour. Stir in the yeast mixture. Add remaining flour, stirring to form dough. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured board. Knead dough by hand, adding more flour as necessary, for 10 to 15 minutes until dough is smooth, shiny, stiff and elastic. Keep the board and your hands dusted with flour to prevent sticking. Knead by pushing down on the dough with the palms of your hands, exerting pressure from your shoulders. Lift the dough from the top edge, turn it a quarter turn, fold it in half, press again, turn, fold, press, and repeat the process until dough forms a cohesive ball. When the dough is no longer sticky, stretch it to help develop elasticity. Knead it a few more times (by now you should be about ready to drop dead and buy frozen Lender's .) Drop it on your board, lift it, pick it up again and drop it again, continuing to stretch, drop and knead a few more times. If it becomes too stiff, add a few drops of water; if too sticky, add a little more flour. When optimally kneaded and shaped into a ball, dough will spring back when poked gently. Place dough in a lightly greased bowl. Turn dough so all surfaces are greased. cover with a sheet of plastic wrap sprayed with nonstick vegetable spray and let rise until doubled in bulk, about an hour. the test for proper rising, which about doubles the mass of the dough in size, is to poke two fingers lightly and quickly about 1/2" into dough. If dent stays, dough is doubled. Proceed to Step 2: Shape Bagels CONTINUED IN ABOUT BAGELS -- GENERAL DIRECTIONS 3 The Best Bagels are made at home by Dona Z. Meilach ISBN 1-55867-131-5 Carolyn Shaw April 1996 From: Homenet Cook - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -