MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Anchovy Toast Categories: Historical, Hangover re, Fish Yield: 1 Serving 1 oz Butter 1 Egg; beaten 2 ts Anchovy essence -OR- 1 ts Anchovy paste Cayenne 1 sl Hot toast; fresh-made Over hot water, melt butter. Combine with egg and then anchovy essence. Season with cayenne. Drench the top of a slice of toast in this and serve (wet side up). Original: The mixture must be made over hot water. Nearly fill a slop-basin with the boiling element, and place a soup-plate over it. In the plate melt a pat of butter the size of a walnut. Then having beaten up a raw egg, stir it in. When thoroughly incorporated with the butter add a dessertspoonful of essence of anchovies. Cayenne ad lib. Then let delicately-browned crisp toast be brought, hot from the fire. Soak this in the mixture, and eat as quickly as you can. Recipe by Edward Spencer, Cakes and Ale MMMMM