---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Fruity Tofu Cooler Categories: Beverages, Tofu, Fruits Yield: 2 125 ml svg 3/4 c White grape juice 1 ts Sweetener 2 oz Silken tofu, rinse & drain 1/2 c Whole strawberries 2 ea Ice cubes In a blender, combine the grape juice, sweetener, tofu & fruit. Blend for 30 seconds. Add the ice & blend until frothy. VARIATIONS: Replace the strawberries with the following: 1/2 banana 1/4 c blueberries 1/2 fresh mango 1/2 fresh peach "Tofu: A Recipe Booklet Proced by the Ontario SoybeanGrowers Marketing Board" -----