MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Ginger Beer Categories: Wildgame, Beverages Yield: 1 servings 1 ea Ginger root 1 ea Lemon, grated rind of 2 oz Cream of tartar 1 1/2 lb Sugar 1 ga Water, boiling 1 ea Yeast, envelope Grate and thoroughly mash the ginger root in a bowl. Place in a large pot and add all ingredients except the yeast. Stir until sugar and cream of tartar is dissolved. Allow mixture to cool, then add yeast which has been started ( dissolved) in a little lukewarm water. Cover tightly for 6 hours, then filter first through a tea strainer or similar, then through cloth. Bottle and cap tightly, sealed. Place in dark, cool (60 degree) place for two weeks. Chill fully before opening to drink. Source: Leon Soniat, New Orleans Times-Picayune 28 Aug 1980 Recipe date: 08/28/80 MMMMM