* Exported from MasterCook * Homemade Kahula Recipe By : Chris Cancilla's Mother Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 4 Cups Sugar 2 Cups Water 1/2 Cup Freeze Dried Instant Coffee -- Maxwell House ? 1 Vanilla Beans -- Sliced Lengthwise 1 Quart Vodka 1 Gallon Container -- Empty 1. Boil the water and add the sugar and the coffee. Let it cool to room temperature. 2. In the empty gallon jug, put the vodka and the sliced vanilla bean. When the sugar/coffee mixture is cool, add that to the jug. 3. Cap it tightly and put it under the sink for a month, shaking it gently every other day or so, if you remember. 30 days later, enjoy!! It tastes enough like Kahula to make the MASSIVE cost savings give it the flavor of liquid gold. Chris Cancilla - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES : As of 1 April 1996, the cost of a 1 quart (or litre) bottle of Kahula was in excess of $15.00, using this recipe, you will get just over 1/2 gallon for about $4 to $8, depending on the quality of the vodka you use. Personally, I use Smirnoff 100. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Cancilla (334) 358-1377 =============================================== My Personal Home Page =============================================== http://www.mindspring.com/~cancilla/index.html =============================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =============================================== "Raise The Standard!" PK`95 {Atlanta} =============================================== The FEDERATION Home Page =============================================== If you would like information about joining an International Star Trek fan association, you can link to the following WWW page; http://www.pcnet.com/~alanr/the-fed.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~