MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Colossal Pina Colada (Virgin) Categories: Beverages Yield: 6 servings 2 c Skim milk 2 c Unsweetened pineapple juice 1 T Vanilla extract 1 T Coconut extract 2 T Sugar Ice cubes Mint sprigs for garnish-opt Combine all ingredients, except ice cubes & mint, in a blender container and blend on high speed until frothy. Pour into 6 tall glasses filled with ice cubes. Garnish with mint sprigs, if desired. Thicker Variation: Omit ice cubes. Freeze the pineapple juice in ice-cube trays, blend these cubes with the other ingredients and garnish with mint. Per serving: 97 calories; 0 fat; 0 cholesterol; 44 mg sodium From The Sacramento Bee, Apr 12, '95. MMMMM